October 19, 2006
soooo cuuutee
I used to have a cat as a pet when I was really young...but when I got older I started to prefer dogs... :D
this video reminds me of my cat :D
September 26, 2006
It's been a long time!
My 2 ferrets: Jacob 6 years old, Gizmo who's 5 years old and Charlie my pug, 2, are all in good health, thank God. I've pictures of them to upload in the near future, I just need to transfer them from the other pc so for now, let's watch this video I found a while back at YouTube..so cute!!
June 13, 2006
Please visit EARTHtopia. We might stand a chance to voice out for those who cannot.
Thank you in advance for your time.
May 24, 2006
Creating Designer Dogs
I was catching up on my blogroll this morning, and I came across a great topic over at Pennie's. Let me tell you, this whole fad of designer dogs just hacks me off! These breeders that are making money by breeding two different breeds of dogs are unbelievable! Folks, let's just call these dogs what they are....M-U-T-T-S! Designer dog breeders are making money off of people that just want the "in" thing. They are selling for hundreds of dollars what you can do through a visit to the shelter and a small donation. There is also a free option. You can rescue a stray dog. If anyone out there doesn't know where a stray dog is living, please let me know. I'd like to experience that community for a while. I hate to sound so bitchy, but this type of thing really makes my blood boil. Nature has been creating designer dogs for years. There are so many wonderful mixed breeds waiting in shelters for homes of their own. For years, shelters and rescue groups have had to compete with breeders, and that's o.k. I don't see anything wrong with owning a pure bred dog. That's just some people's cup of tea. In fact, I have two of my own that I acquired through rescue. But now, we have to deal with people that run their businesses breeding mixed breeds too? It's too much for me to handle without a fight.
Labradoodle smchoodle, it's a mutt! These exotic names are just a joke. Anybody can do that. Here are my two designer dogs. Let me know if anyone has any better suggestions for their designer names.

Shiloh, my Jackshund (Jack Russell / Dachshund mix).

Fergie, my Heelshep (Red Heeler / Shepherd mix).
Wow, I'm trendy aren't I? Think you can spot a designer dog over a shelter dog? Take the Designer Dog Quiz. Oh, and something to consider. If combining two breeds is trendy, wouldn't multiple breeds be more exotic? Visit your local shelter today and start a new trend. Getting off my soapbox now.
April 10, 2006
For the love of animals
It has been 10 years since I started with doing work for animals. No, not physically, but financially. I have been actively donating to several organizations like the WWF, Greenpeace, Terra Mater, and others, and also making myself busy with signing some online petitions needed to voice out for animals and the environment.
With my dog, Jake coming from a shelter himself, my goal is to help those that I could not take home in some other way. While I'm still dreaming of my dogfarm's existence, this will be my temporary "time well spent" moments.
April 09, 2006
An Open Letter
We would like to inform you that this site is composed of not just one but a handful of contributors (see sidebar, lower part.) One contributor was a certain MAMASANGRE, who joined this site August of 2004.
Early part of 2005, her entry : THE YOUTH IN ASIA has caught a commenter's attention {and ours too, thank you dear commenter} and we've asked MAMASANGE to explain about it. Clearly, MAMASANGRE passed the work of Mr. David Sedaris as her own. We do not tolerate such action.
We have given her ample time to explain but she chose to ignore us. And that did not leave us any choice but to BAN her from this site. WE DO NOT TOLERATE PLAGIARISM. She was immediately deleted as a contributor on APRIL of 2005.
Though MAMASANGRE was deleted , this free blog server (blogspot) did not automatically deleted all her entries and we would like to apologize for not thoroughly checking things out. Be rest assured that ALL the 'writings' of this person have been totally deleted.
We would also like to extend our sincere apology to Mr. David Sedaris, his friends and followers, for MAMASANGRE's bad action. Not only the administration of this site that she has fooled, but a number of serious bloggers around as well. On our part, our deepest regret was, we're not aware of Mr. David Sedaris' work.
We hope this letter clears the air. Truly we are but a bunch of animal lovers who share our pets' stories with each other.
Animals Are Humans team
We have found and included the blogspot- code that will show the contributor's name at the bottom of each entry.
March 11, 2006
Here with Me

My female MS is home at last! (Platinum Eight's Archangel "Angel")
It was a cold cold thursday evening, and there was a big sandstorm across the dessert where we cut though just to get to Dammam Airport (King Fahd International Airport), one of the biggest and relaxed airports here in the Kingdom. Hubby and i were so glad that we were in our Jeep Cherokee, because if we had driven a sedan, we could have been swept away. It was the first time for me to go out in a sandstorm. Really it was like saying something to me. I would look everywhere and i could really see fountains of sand in all different directions. Ive seen the desert in night time, especially when we'd do cross country, but that one was really SOMETHING. i will not even dare describe it here. i just know that we arrived to the airport safe and well....too cold for my butt cheek to handle.
we arrived 2 hours before angel's scheduled arrival. we were just waiting for THE HOUR, and so hubby ate his KFC dinner box while i reclined and slept a bit. then we woke up at exactly 10:15 pm and hubby was a bit antsy in the car. he went straight inside..(women are not allowed inside, that's saudi arabia for you)and he texted me right away that the PLANE HASNT ARRIVED YET
he went to the vet's office and when the vet, noticed that he was always on the fone with me, he invited me in! (a first in saudi again hahaha)and when we were there i found out that he's a local and a guy who didnt speak english was very kind and helpful to us.even if they (in islamic tradition)do not encourage DOG importation, they were actually, genuinely nice. They informed us that the plane would arrive from DUBAI,UNITED ARAB EMIRATES at 3:30am the next day, and so hubby and i were so exasperated. 50kms from home is no joke to deal with especially when its winter and sandstorming. they said in broken english "go home, baby home muskilah"( you can go home, you have kids, you shouldnt leave them) and then they were able to convince us to go home and come back at 8am instead. one pinoy guy who works at the cargo department would just let us know. i was worried, Angel could be thirsty and hungry and tired, so i had asked them to feed her when she arrives, they obliged. i even got a text message that angel has arrived. and i was too happy in my bed, and waited for 7am.
when we got back to the airport, it was soooo windy and cold, there was no one 'cept for 3 personel, including the pinoy who helped us. NAG IISA SI ANGEL...since it was on a friday, PRAYER DAY HERE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. no one would clear angel from the CUSTOMS department. good thing..they allowed me to feed and play with angel, when i asked (of course in broken english, "can my dog go outside? she needs to..ahhh..to...go?")and then the guy said.."ok, i know bathroom?"..then angel and i in that bitter cold weather went out and for the first time she looked at me and whined for like 15 minutes.
she missed me.
then she was running and going back to me,,she barked at some stranger!...and then i realised...she's overprotective of me.
id never ever forget that experience. so lucky that i have my hubby who's been very supprotive of me. and loves my dogs like crazy. (he didnt like dogs then)
and now that ANGEL's here. still as outspoken as before. she still barks at strangers, or anything that moves strangely. maxie is of course the ALPHA dog...and Angel would be my guardian angel (in two tone fur clothing)
February 25, 2006
Fat Cats and Dumpy Dogs
It seems that America not only has a problem with obese humans, but obese pets as well. I randomly googled a search on "fat cats", and the number of results were incredible. In under one minute, I read about the famous Russian fat cat, Katy.

Then I found a story about a fat cat in Berlin, Mikesch, that was turned into a shelter. He became fat, because his owner fed him a pound of mince meat a day! Cats are not the only fat pets either. Dogs are fast becoming dumpy in America as well.
Why are America's pet becoming obese? Experts say, it's because pet owners are "humanizing" their pets. We tend to treat them often, and much like our own workouts, become lax in walking and exercising routines. For a short list of calories per treat, click HERE. An overweight pet faces many of the same risks as overweight humans. Risks such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and hip dysplasia are all common in obese pets. For a complete list of risks, click HERE. How do we conqueor this problem? Experts say, we can stop feeding table scraps, cut back on their regular food, and exercise, exercise, exercise!! For some good diet tips, click HERE. For a weight reduction program, click HERE.
I have a fat cat and a couple of dumpy dogs at my house. I'm hoping to start a new routine. Fergie is a larger dog prone to hip dysplasia. She weighs more than she should, especially at a young age. My goal is to teach her to walk in the neighborhood for exercise (she can sleep more than any dog I've ever seen for age 4!). She is trained to walk on lead, but is really frightened out in the neighborhood. Casey said that he'd work with me to help her. She tends to do better, when she buddies up with Bear. With Casey's help, we can take them both at the same time. I'm going to try to cut back the treats to once a week too. I think everybody could benefit from that, even my pocketbook. I'm going to TRY to cut out any yummies off of my plate as well. Remember don't confuse treating with love. I keep trying to say that over and over to myself.
Hopefully by following these tips, we all will have happier, healthier pets that stay with us for a long, long time. Everyone have a great day!
February 10, 2006
Need YOUR Help
Please go and check EARTHtopia (Feb. 10 entry) and sign! Search for your country at the petition form.
January 29, 2006
Anyway, we also visited Ishie, Kirei's first born. And she has really grown! She still recognizes us, and just like her mom, she got so excited upon seeing us... never seemed to be tired playing.

Kirei during her "pregnant" state -- 1 month

Ishie.. at 6 months old now
January 25, 2006
Ready for sunny Singapore

Isn't he cute?
January 17, 2006
Puppies galore!

Chachi gave birth to 6 cutie little puppies earlier! WEEEEH!!! 2 of them, were born last night, and the rest, early this morning. Yay!!! They're oh so tiny and adorable! The first one's white with specks of dark brown (red) and black, second one's brown, 2 are black, and the last two are brown though the other one's darker. I missed the whole thing but Det kept me updated. She'd text me every so often to update me with Chachi's delivery. I even called her up and she let me hear the little puppies' cries. Awww.. Ultra adorable! Oh-so cooool!!!! Yay! Can't wait for them to grow a bit more. :) Poor Pao though, he can't even come near the pups, Chachi's always growling at him. hehehe